Branding & Logos
Welcome to print & digital design, this is where I house all the leaflets, posters, headers for social media, A boards, shop window decals... anything you can think of that is printed or displays... this is where it belongs.

Let's start with logos
Logos are a vital piece of your business identity. Many fall into the trap of being seduced by a stock logo, which you can buy for more or less pennies online. The problem? It's not original. If you're serious about your business, there are several rules we designers follow to make sure we create you a beautiful and effective logo.
These rules vary from *must look as affective in monochrome as it does in full colour (so the colour must not define the design) to making sure the typefaces used match and are 'timeless' to ensure your logo in a couple of years time doesn't look old fashioned. Get in contact with me today to talk about what you want!
If you're in the beginning stages, first stop is to make sure you're settled on your business name. Then think about what identifies you and what you do, what you want to represent and say to the people you're trying to reach. Are you all about setting people free from the unhealthy lives they've been living? Then maybe think what represents freedom to people... the hop on the internet and look for some inspiration from places like pinterest and put yourself a board together.
Some of my logo creations

Beautiful branding
Branding is your business identity. It's the way your clients differentiate you from your competition. It's not just your logo, colours, style and typeface, it's your message and company values too.
Ensuring designs correlate throughout any materials you require. Be it a sign, a menu, a business card, leaflet, clothing or shop front. Keeping brand consistency is key with any successful visual brand. Branding can help change client expectation and how they view you as a viable option, because your visual brand is the first contact your potential client has with your company. Take a look at some examples of my work below.

Kim Pearson
Kim Pearson - Intelligent Weight Loss. This company is going through expansion and therefore has required a brand extension, creating icons and packaging designs for future products.

Love Nutrition
Love Nutrition - Nutrition company based in Maldon. Having already got a logo, Love Nutrition required brand guidelines, a website and matching promotional and sales materials.

Horley Osteo
Horley Osteo - Osteopathic company based in Horley. They required full exterior redesign of their building, as well as an entirely new brand, promotional materials, brand guidelines and stationary.

MDS Dental
Matlock required a full cover brand redesign and development, I worked alongside a PR agency and SEO expert to complete this overhaul, which included: New website, promotional materials, brand guidelines and stationary.